Scottish Supporters Network

Hosted by Supporters Direct Scotland

Strengthening Scottish Football
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Supporters Direct Scotland Conference 2014 – Make your voice heard

Date: 22nd May 2014

Supporters Direct Conference

With the domestic season now coming to an end, it is almost time to focus off the field matters at each of our respective football clubs.

At Supporters Direct Scotland, we continue to focus on having fans’ voices heard around the country. Fans make up only a small portion – if any – of the boardroom at the majority of clubs. There are a few exceptions to this rule where fans can voice their opinion on matters concerning all areas of their club; however at the majority of football clubs in the country, fans are not being consulted on matters which affect them directly.

SDS has – and continues to – fight for fans to be given the right to have an opinion at the highest level at their club. Slowly, inroads have been made, but it is a long-term process and one that SDS will continue to be at the forefront of.


Last season saw the change in league structure. This season could see new proposals being brought into play – such as financial fair play – but will the fans be asked what they think of the idea? They weren’t given the chance last season, what would be so different this time around?


SDS have knocked on the doors of every club in Scotland at one time or another and have been allowed access to give fans opportunities on occasion, only to have the door slammed in our faces in others.

The fight for fan ownership has gone on for several years and continues to drag on until some sort of conclusion can be met where fans can actually hear what decisions are being made about their club, as well as being given the opportunity to influence what decisions will be made in the future.

SDS believe that fans have earned the right to have a say on what their club decides. Through their continued investment over many years and continued support of their club; they are any football club’s constant – head and shoulders above the short-termism that has plagued professional football for years.

SDS will be holding their annual conference on June 15, at the Stirling Management Centre. There will be a number of guest speakers at the event, including Kenny Shiels, Gordon Waddell and Professor Stephen Morrow as well as the results of the National Football Survey which was conducted earlier this year.

The conference gives fans and supporters’ groups alike the opportunity to have their voices heard, and discuss how they can help make an impact on the future of Scottish football. Furthermore, it gives fans the chance to have an opinion on their respective clubs and on the issues that matter the most to them.

SDS will continue to promote greater fan engagement and involvement in Scottish football. Events like this give supporters the chance to come along and interact with other fans; to discuss and debate on what is important to them and to help strengthen the supporter movement in Scotland.

Now is the opportunity for football supporters to make their voices heard. To come together and take advantage of an open forum where they can ask the questions that are important to them.

SDS implores all fans, from every club, to come along on June 15th and enjoy our annual conference. Tickets can be purchased here

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