Hosted by Supporters Direct Scotland
Date: 28th April 2016
We have today announced a unique partnership with ShareIn, designed to empower football supporters to play a bigger role in their team’s future.
Using ShareIn’s crowdfunding platform, Supporters Direct is now able to enable communities to raise capital for projects around their clubs, which could include ownership. This applies to all levels of sport in Scotland from professional clubs to grassroots community clubs.
Supporters Direct have worked with football supporters across the UK to help empower them to play a greater role in their club, through engagement, and ultimately ownership.
This new crowdfunding platform will offer supporters the opportunity to buy community shares in clubs online, with the use of ShareIn’s white label crowdfunding platform.
The website will be available to use from July.
Andrew Jenkin, Head of Supporters Direct Scotland comments:
“One of the key things we’ve learnt in recent years is the critical need to develop the type of crowdfunding platform which is flexible for supporters to use in raising capital, and we’re sure in working with ShareIn we’re now able to deliver this.”
Jude Cook, CEO and Co-Founder of ShareIn adds:
“With football fans having such passion for their clubs, crowdfunding is an obvious approach to help fans realise their team goals. We provide the technology so supporters will have a simple, easy to use way to build community ownership online.”
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