Frequently Asked Questions about the Scottish Supporters’ Network (SSN).
Associates shall have the right to attend the annual general meeting (and any other general meetings) but shall have no voting rights. Associates shall also have the right to elect three from among their number to become Directors of the Society.
All those wishing to become an associate member must support the objects of the Society and complete an application for membership – available from the Scottish Supporters Network website.
All associate members agree to participate and take an active interest in the operation and development of the Network, SD Scotland and its business.
Associate members shall cease to be affilitated or part of the Network immediately if they:
– ‘Unsubscribe’ from SD Scotland/SSN communications
– Write to the Network and inform them of the desire to stop being an associate member.
– Are expelled from membership in accordance with these Rules;
SD Scotland shall, within six months of the end of the financial year, hold a general meeting of the Members as its annual general meeting and shall specify the meeting as such in the notice calling it. Associates are able to attend these meetings, although won’t have voting rights.
Working Groups
In order to participate in a Working Group, the individual must hold associate membership with SD Scotland via the Supporters Network.
What is the Scottish Supporters Network?
• What are the mission / vision / objectives of the Network?
o The objective of the Network is to be the voice of fans. Rather than try to identify a single point of view, the Network will reflect the diversity of views found within and among fan groups.
SD Scotland facilitate communication between fans, Government, football authorities and other decision makers. In the longer term the Network could be used as a basis of wider policy development.
• How is it governed?
o The Network will be facilitated by SD Scotland who will put forward the views of the Network’s members. By joining the Network, you will automatically become an ‘associate’ member of SD Scotland. Three places are reserved on the SD Scotland Board for associate member representatives. A further 8 are reserved for ‘full members’.
Who can join the Scottish Supporters’ Network?
• Are there any restrictions in terms of league / number of members / incorporated / constituted / number of organisations at a club (ie only the umbrella organisation or all groups?
o The Network is open to either individuals or Supporters’ Organisations who have an interest in Scottish football
How can my organisation join?
• What is the process?
o Anyone can join the Network via this website. Your details will be stored in a database and you will receive communications via newsletters.
o Other Supporters’ Organisations and individuals will be able to sign up online. This information will be drawn through into the database.
• Does the application need to be approved before membership is granted?
o No.
What are the benefits of joining SSN?
• Rights / responsibilities / benefits arising from membership?
o Benefits include joining together with other fans and Supporters’ Organisations to ensure that their voices are heard; help influence policies affecting Scottish football, receive regular updates on issues affecting Scottish football and/or its fans, ability to join the Working Groups formed by SD Scotland and ability to stand for the SD Scotland board (3 places are reserved for associate membership).
o As it is a loose network of organisations there will be no rights or responsibilities.
Will you contact my members?
• Are membership lists required or just membership numbers?
o Only numbers will be required.
SDS will communicate with Network members by:
o Regular email updates will be sent to members.
o Articles will be posted on the website.
o Surveys and consultations will be carried out.
Network members will be able to communicate with SDS via:
o Email.
o Meetings.
o Social media.
What is Supporters Direct Scotland (SDS) role in the SSN?
• How much influence will they and SDS have in the Network?
o As SD Scotland is facilitating the network, they will be able to set the agenda and direction travelled.
• Will SDS act as spokesperson for the Network or will the Network decide that?
o SDS will represent the views of the fans within the Network.
• How will SDS handle conflicts between its objectives and those of the SFSN?
o These are less likely to occur if SDS sets the agenda. The only other organisation who may wish to influence the work of the Network would be the Government. Conflicts are less likely to occur if SDS can clearly state the Network’s objectives.
• How much influence will individual organisations or groups of organisations have?
o The Network will be facilitated by SDS but should take heed of the issues important to members to ensure credibility.
How much does it cost to join?
• Is there be a membership fee and if so annual or one – off?
o It will be free to join the Network although we do ask members, that if they enjoy the content producers, if they can make a contribution through our Patron programme. The Network produces a huge amount of content each week. This includes member generated opinion pieces and content, offering it a platform for greater visibility, weekly podcasts with influential people within Scottish football, videos on positive work happening at all levels of the game, competitions for supporters and surveys. SD Scotland run the Supporters Network (and membership to it) for free because we believe in the value of giving fans a say in the running of our game. We hope through Patreon you can help SD Scotland with the running costs associated with the Network and show your support for our work to give fans a voice and promoting supporter involvement.
• Are organisations expected to contribute towards surveys or campaigns and if so how will costs be decided?
o In the early stages members will not be asked to contribute. In time a “donate” button will be added to the website.
Will my organisation have to conform to SSN rules if we join?
• Are there any expectations in terms of contribution or conforming?
o No, SD Scotland will only be seeking their views.
• Will there be a Code of Conduct which organisations joining the Network will be expected to sign?
o No.
• How will the Network handle differences / complaints levelled against members either by other members or by external agencies?
o As SD Scotland is only seeking the views of fans and not seeking a consensus this should not be an issue.
• Can members be removed if so how / by whom?
o No, there should be no need.
Can individuals join the SSN?
o Individuals are free to join. The benefits include:
- joining together with other fans and Supporters’ Organisations to ensure that their voices are heard;
- help to influence policies affecting Scottish football;
- receive regular updates on issues affecting Scottish football and/or its fans;
- ability to stand for the SD Scotland board;
- ability to join SSN working groups.
How is policy formed?
Working Groups
To help form policy using data acquired through consultations with members, SD Scotland have put together working groups in the areas of:
Governance of the game will be an area of focus.
The extent of this theme includes the question of the Living wage, future and current SPFL League restructuring as well as the introduction and development of Colt teams.
Two of SD Scotland’s objects are to
- Promote equality and tackle prejudice within all levels of Scottish sport;
- Be a positive, inclusive and representative organisation, open and accessible to all supporters regardless of their age, income, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexuality or religious or moral belief;
This working group will work to raise awareness of equality issues throughout football and to mobilize and help coordinate efforts.
This Working Group examines how Scottish football can improve its product and value and will consider aspects such as the Match Day Experience and wider supporter issues such as legislation, kick off times, disability access and ticket pricing.
The Football Development working group seeks to provide suggestions on how Scotland raises the quality of Scottish football and the national team and will consider aspects such as Project Brave.
How do we represent policy?
As the supporters representative body on the Scottish FA Congress, we have direct channels to ensure fans views are represented to decision makers.