Hosted by Supporters Direct Scotland
Date: 10th February 2015
Last week, Supporters Direct Scotland (SDS) called for Scottish football’s governing bodies to engage in greater consultation with supporters over the rescheduling of fixtures. SDS is currently working on a research paper with several fan groups that will be published in the summer. This will include a range of recommendations to improve the match going experience of football supporters and to ensure that attending matches is as easy and affordable as possible.
As part of this process, we would like any and all fans to get in touch with SDS with their experiences of fixture rescheduling problems. Today, we have seen Dundee United’s home match with Inverness Caledonian Thistle rearranged for a Tuesday night at 7.45pm; hardly the most convenient time slot.
If you have had any experiences this season or in any previous season with fixtures being changed that result in unaccommodating kick off times, we would like to hear from you.
You can e-mail us at or get in touch on Twitter or Facebook
You can read our statement on fixture rescheduling here
Posted in: Latest News