Hosted by Supporters Direct Scotland
Date: 28th February 2018
We’re pleased to be supporting Bala Sport’s Fair Trade Football Forum as part of the Fair Trade Fortnight and have four tickets to give away to network members as part of the competition.
You are promised an evening of cut-and-thrust football debate in Glasgow’s west end to mark Fairtrade Fortnight. Our panel will take questions from the floor while trying to find out the way ahead for Scottish football. Is Alex McLeish the right man for Scotland? Is the SFA fit for purpose? How long will Brendan Rodgers be at Celtic. Are Rangers on the way back under Graeme Murty? Plus, we will examine the state of Scottish sports journalism, and the changing nature of news reporting and consumption in a digital age. We will also ask: given the values of fairness and human integrity espoused by Fairtrade, could Scottish football on any level make the Fairtrade Bala football its official ball of use in competitions? Come along, get engaged, take on the panel, let’s get some answers!
To enter
Winners will be drawn on the 2nd of March and notified via Twitter.
Posted in: Latest News