Scottish Supporters Network

Hosted by Supporters Direct Scotland

Strengthening Scottish Football
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Community Owned Clubs Conference – 25th July 2014

Date: 7th May 2014

Supporters Direct


On Friday July 25th July community owned clubs will come together at Wembley Stadium for the second Community Club Network Conference. The first Conference saw 20 Clubs attending and was very well received with 92% of delegates wanting to attend a similar event again.

The event will follow a similar format to last year with an afternoon of workshops and networking opportunities with like-minded clubs. More details of the content of the workshops will be made available in the coming weeks. Staff and consultants from the SD Club Development team will be on hand, and it will be a great opportunity to meet with employees, officers and volunteers from other Clubs who face the same challenges.

It will be well suited for those wishing to attend the Supporters Direct AGM on Friday evening and the Supporters Summit held jointly with the FSF on the following day (both at Wembley Stadium).

All Clubs in membership will be offered up to 4 places for free, with invitations to member clubs being sent in the coming weeks. If you aren’t in membership or are from a Club that is considering becoming community owned please drop us an email to see how we may be able to accommodate you –

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