Hosted by Supporters Direct Scotland
Date: 14th November 2014
Since the end of last season, Supporters Direct Scotland (SDS) has been travelling across the country as part of our Colours of our Scarves project. Before the end of the 2014/15 season, SDS will hope to have visited every league stadium in Scottish football, delivering the Colours of our Scarves photographic exhibition and engaging with as many football fans and local residents as possible.
At this stage, SDS is almost halfway through the Colours of our Scarves programme and so far it has been a tremendous success. As well as delivering the exhibition on match days, SDS has also been working with local schools, residents groups and educational institutions to further spread the message behind the programme and to canvas as many opinions as possible in each community that SDS visits.
The key aim to Colours of our Scarves is to allow football supporters and other community residents to have their say on the issue of sectarianism and cultural intolerance and how they believe the issue can be tackled. This is done through conducting surveys on match days at football grounds and allows those who participate to not only say whether they believe sectarianism is still a problem, but to provide anecdotal evidence of their experiences with the issue.
So far, SDS have visited several stadiums across the country, from as far north as Elgin City to as south as Stranraer and have been overwhelmed with the help and hospitality at each ground we have visited. This positive response is evidence that many in football are deeply invested in addressing issues such as sectarianism and cultural intolerance and want to work towards eradicating it from not only football, but their local community. We have also been fortunate to have many individuals from supporters’ trusts and groups willing to help in delivering our match day exhibitions.
As we reach the halfway point of the season, SDS moves onto the remaining stadiums around the ground, engaging with more fans and adding to the plethora of opinions and ideas that we have already accumulated. If reading this you find yourself wanting to find out more about the programme, you can do so at You can also register your interest in volunteering by completing out volunteer registration form at the Scottish Fans website.
We’ll be at Forthbank Stadium tomorrow (Sat 15th) for the Stirling Albion v Stranraer match. Come and visit our Colours of our Scarves exhibition outside the main entrance and say hi!
Posted in: Latest News