Scottish Supporters Network

Hosted by Supporters Direct Scotland

Strengthening Scottish Football
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Colours of our Scarves – Montrose FC

Date: 15th September 2014

Montrose FC

Supporters Direct Scotland were at Links Park, Montrose on Saturday for the latest leg of the Colours of our Scarves project. Albion Rovers were the visitors on the day as SDS continue their season-long programme that will include visiting every league ground in Scottish football. The government-funded initiative looks to canvas supporters’ opinions on sectarianism in their local community, both past and present.

As part of the Colours of our Scarves programme, SDS host a photographic exhibition on match days, showing the similar emotions that football supporters experience on a weekly basis, regardless of the colours they don. World famous football photographer, Stuart Roy Clarke has traveled the length of Scotland, capturing these fascinating and emotive images that were on show at Links Park this weekend.

As well as the photographic exhibition, fans were surveyed on their thoughts regarding anti-sectarianism in the local community. There was an overwhelmingly positive response to our work and some interesting anecdotal evidence that can contribute to our research.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to Montrose FC and especially Brian Petrie for their great welcome and hospitality on the day and for allowing us to host the exhibition on the day. We wish them all the best for the rest of the season.

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