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Date: 18th February 2014

Civic voice

Groups including Blackpool, Burton-upon-Trent, Kent, Peterborough, Wakefield, and Yorkshire among first groups to pledge financial support

Chair of Civic Voice, Dr Freddie Gick today thanked the first set of groups that have sent in donations to help fund a publication to tell the story of the civic society movement and urged other groups to contribute to show their support.

The fundraising campaign launched by Dr Gick at the start of February aims to raise £5,000 before March 2014 to support Civic Voice’s work in telling the story of the civic society movement. The publication will be launched at the inaugural Sandys Lecture on April 17th in London.

Dr Gick said “By pledging to support this campaign, groups including Blackpool, Burton, Kent, Peterborough, Wakefield and Yorkshire are all helping to tell the story of the civic society movement which will enable us to spread the word of the importance of people playing a role in their local community. We are also thankful to the many individuals that have also contributed. Ministers talk localism while the civic society movement have been doing it for 150 years”.

Dr Philip Robinson, Treasurer of The Kent Federation of Amenity Societies and one of the groups that have pledged support said “This is a much needed publication and will be very welcomed by all civic societies in Kent. It will help give our members a sense of their place in this historic movement and we are delighted to be able to support it”.

Donations can be sent by groups and individuals by donating online or by sending a cheque to the Civic Voice office in Liverpool. Closing date for the receipt of contributions will be 3rd March 2014 to be assured of being included in the final publication.
Dr Gick finished by saying “The civic society movement dates back to 1846 when the world’s first civic society was created in Sid Vale. Today over 500 groups exist across England. If it wasn’t for the civic society movement, England would look very different to what it does today. It is only right that we tell the story of this great social movement”.

People can contribute to this funding campaign via or sending a cheque to History of Civic Movement Project, Civic Voice, 60 Duke Street, Liverpool, L1 5AA.

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