Scottish Supporters Network

Hosted by Supporters Direct Scotland

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Interview: Ross County SLO Tells Us About 2020 & Welcoming Fans Back!

Date: 7th December 2020

In recent weeks Ross County have been welcoming fans back into The Global Energy Stadium in Dingwall. 

With most of Scotland still in a tier that prohibits supporters returning to stadia, I thought it would be good to hear how Ross County have done it and what 2020 has been like for the club. 

I thought the best person to ask would be Ross County’s Supporters Liaison Officer (SLO) Kenny MacLennan

The role of an SLO is to keep the fans informed and at the heart of a football club, 2020 has seen just how important an SLO is to a football club.

Question: How tough a year has it been as an SLO due to this pandemic? Do you feel that your role has become more important? 

Kenny: It’s been an extremely difficult time for the club and as an SLO my focus was being available for our supporters and helping to promote club initiatives and charitable events.  It’s probably the busiest year I can remember with regards to supporter queries.

Question: Has Ross County’s relationship with the local community become stronger in 2020? 

Kenny: Definitely – We used some of our community programmes to deliver food to those who were either unable to get out or those who were shielding.

Question: The Staggies have been at the forefront of welcoming fans back into the stadium. How much work has gone into making sure that can be done safely and what has the response been since reopening the turnstiles?  

Kenny: A massive amount to work has gone into the organisation of getting supporters back into the games – we run a ballot of our Season Ticket holders – 300 were at the Livingston game and another 300 were at the Rangers game – the 300 who attended the Livi game were removed from the Rangers ballot to make the process fair and to ensure all our Season Ticket holders get a chance of attending.

Question: What does it mean to you as an SLO to see supporters back in the stands?

Kenny: It means so much to see so many familiar faces back at the games – I know so many of our supporters  very well and it’s so nice to see people enjoying a level of normality again – football and Ross County in particular is so important to our community!

Question: What are the clubs plans for the rest of this season?
Kenny: We have already requested 750 for the Livi and Rangers games but the Scottish Government has capped games at 300 for now – we will keep pushing for more fans as we believe we have the possibility to socially distance our Season Ticket holders in all our stands. 
All at Supporters Direct Scotland would like to thank Kenny for taking the time out of his day to answer these questions. We would also like to wish Ross County and every other club the best of luck as they continue to bring fans back to their stadium. 

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